
Favorite Predator Movie?

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MemberYoung BloodSep-24-2012 11:46 PM
What's your favorite Predator film?
9 Replies


MemberBloodedSep-25-2012 2:18 PM
Predator followed by Predator 2. Even though I do like Predator 2, I do feel it showed a little to much of the creature itself and it's environment. If you get my meaning.

Xeno Killer

MemberYoung BloodSep-27-2012 5:45 PM
From least to greatest.. Predator 2, Predator, Predators Predators was such a good reboot! :)

Pred Mut

MemberYoung BloodSep-27-2012 11:09 PM
Predator 2 wasn't bad? I liked the whole city theme idea they did.

The Berserker

MemberYoung BloodSep-30-2012 12:46 AM
Predator is a classic. It was my favorite following up by Predators and Predator 2.

"Building Better Worlds"

MemberYoung BloodNov-03-2012 1:15 AM
The Predator is a classic movie. One of Schwarzenegger's best; I think.
What's the story...?


MemberJungle HunterNov-08-2012 11:30 PM
i have to go with predator, but predator 2 is so close to being the best it is ridiculous. i really love them both. predators was a good movie to watch every pnce in a while and has helped continue the series which is good

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Wolf, Earth Xenomorph Hunter

MemberYoung BloodDec-22-2013 11:44 AM
Predator 2 Hunting in the city is just crazy yet awesome ,Predators man i feel sorry for the crucified predator :( ,Predator 1 = No comment


MemberYoung BloodApr-02-2014 4:34 PM

In least to greatest, my favorite predator movies are... Predator, Predator 2, and AVP. I never got the chance to watch predators though:(. The reason i liked Predator as my favorite because it started off the series, had Arnold Schwarzanegger in it, and was jungle themed. Predator 2 was second becuz of the new character who was really cool and had more people killed in it than the first one, and showed the different types of predator masks and the inside of a predator ship. AVP was last because it wasnt as good as the others for various reasons tht would take too much room to list. those are my favorite predator movies


MemberYoung BloodApr-14-2014 5:19 AM

Hands down Predator 2 just because the Predator looked AMAZING and it was the first time I saw bush at 10 years old :)

The Predator without the bio mask is just awesome looking in every way. great color pattern and a bit on the scary side. Enough with all the 1st movie look alikes! (AVP and Predators)

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