The best and the worst of The Predator - spoilers

MemberCity HunterSep-18-2018 7:41 AMWhat is the best image that comes to mind when you think of Shane Black's The Predator?
And what is the worst, the one that should have never ever been in the movie?
In your opinion is it the best or the worst image that best represents this latest release of the franchise?
Let's talk only images, not story, characters or dialogue.
"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"

MemberCity HunterSep-18-2018 7:52 AMFor me, the best image that pops up, and the first, is the pure evil face of the ultimate predator hanging upside down in a tree like a bat out of hell after he tore the head off of one of the Loonies (don't remember which one). That ugly MF looks less like the Predator we know, but it's eyes are, like someone would say, "unclouded by conscience". Pure monstrosity.
The worst image is of McKenna sliding down the plasticky looking shield of the ultimate predator ship. Man, that was lame!
I think the movie (or the franchise) would have benefited more if the face of the predators was shown more. Not the size of this dear impressed me but its face, precisely its round evil eyes.
"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"

MemberCity HunterSep-18-2018 8:10 AMI encourage everyone lurking around to go and see this film.
In case it's the last one of the franchise, no matter how good or bad people say it is, it's a historical moment you'd want to tell to your great grand children about: I've seen it in theater. Those were the days...
But before talking to your great grand children you might want to express your immediate feelings here.
"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"

MemberCity HunterSep-18-2018 8:11 AMdk, have you seen it yet?
"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"

Im Durp
MemberBloodedSep-18-2018 10:57 AMThe high point was seeing the Predator put on the mask after escaping capture
The low point was almost anything with the mega predator since when that came in the movie really lowered in quality imo.

G. H. (Gman)
AdminSuper PredatorSep-18-2018 12:31 PMThe best: The Fugitive Predator every time he was on screen.
The worst: Almost everything else...

G. H. (Gman)
AdminSuper PredatorSep-18-2018 12:36 PMAlso, I want to add: Even if this movie does flop hard, it is not going to be the last Predator movie. It may be another 10-15 years before we see another--But there will always be more Predator movies.
It's an IP with recognition. No studio gives up on that regardless of what happens. Look at the Terminator franchise, or WB's mess with the DCEU. And as a Godzilla fan I can safely say the 60+ years of low points and Toho announcing one movie or another is "the last one" hasn't ended the series.
So no, this will not be the last Predator movie. It won't even be the second to last. We may be a little bit older, but there will always be more Predator movies.

AdminBroken TuskSep-18-2018 1:14 PMLOL GMan. Agreed though, Fugitive Predator made the film. Loved every scene he was in.

MemberCity HunterSep-18-2018 2:02 PMI think I have to watch it again.
"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"

MemberYoung BloodSep-18-2018 7:01 PMI submitted a thread days ago, but not through yet for some reason....regarding supporting the movie so we get to see more. Would be gutted if we don't. With all the cool ideas fans have, and there are some really good reads too, it would be a bit short sighted not to go ahead with this. My fav scene was the WTF moment everyone had when the new predator bust through the window. Worst scene - how the predator died so why do they Could've had so much potential with the idea of working with the people to dispatch the new one.

MemberYoung BloodSep-18-2018 7:02 PM...and I giggled a bit when, on the last fight scene, the disc was released and they were like "It's gonna come gotta catch it"....nope nope nopey nope hehehe

G. H. (Gman)
AdminSuper PredatorSep-18-2018 8:50 PMContributing to the worst: No more CG Predators in this franchise. One of the reasons the Fugitive was so exciting to watch on screen was due to how incredible the practical effects were. I don't necessarily agree with some of the sleek/clean design decisions for the Fugitive, but it's lightyears better than another, typical, hulking, CG monstrosity. We have enough of those in the MCU, Jurassic World, Legendary's Monsterverse, The Meg, Pacific Rim, etc, etc.
The Predator doesn't need to be added to that list. It's unique today because it's suitmation and animatronics. I completely lost interest in the title creature when the Fugitive bit the dust. The entire movie just sunk to a new low after that. I want to see the gadgets, the gear, the helmet. I don't want another staring CG monster in this franchise.

MemberCity HunterSep-18-2018 9:26 PMWhat was the idea behind the ultimate predator, after all? That one and the cheesy "predator killer" suit do not fit here, leaving aside the poor CGI.
"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"

MemberElder PredatorSep-18-2018 10:45 PMYep, have to agree with The Fugitive scenes being the best part of the film.
That being said, I thought the Super-pred was pretty brutal! I would have enjoyed seeing more of a running battle with it and the Fugitive, instead of smashing its face in the first encounter.
That and anytime Keegan-Michael Key & Thomas Jane were on-screen together was gold.
Bad: That f^&king suit at the end!!! No.

MemberElder PredatorSep-18-2018 10:46 PMUpvoted for encouraging others to give it a watch XD
Nice Topic!

AdminBroken TuskSep-20-2018 6:54 PMJust finished my second viewing and I have more solidified opinions.
The Best: The animatronics and practical effects really made the start of the film nostalgic. Fugitive Predator scenes were by far the best. As GMan pointed out, I too agree the CGI Predator did nothing for me and actually demystified the Predator lore a bit for me. What's up with the Ultimate's vision mode POV without needing a mask?? Also the exoskeleton generation and overall look really just didn't vibe with me at all. I much preferred the Super Predators from Rodriguez's film. Again though - practical effects. The Predator needs to stay old school and not go the route of CGI. Alien suffered this as well with Covenant.
Another point for best was the comedy. I loved the Loonies and genuinely felt sad to see them killed off. I haven't felt for the Human characters in a Predator film since the original. The comedy really added a layer of entertainment for me. Predators tried to make the Predator a serious movie and it failed. The Predator needs that 80s style nostalgic cheese, one liners and hilarious quips.
I also loved the pacing. Even on my second viewing I never found myself bored or distracted.
Music and sound effects were on point as well. No complaints there!
The Worst: CGI Ultimate Predator for one, killing off the Fugitive Predator too early and the Iron Man style Predator Killer suit. Those really are my biggest gripes.

MemberCity HunterSep-22-2018 11:29 AMAfter the second viewing it is clear the Fugitive Predator was extremely disoriented like he didn’t know what to do all the time. Maybe it was the human DNA or the fact that he did not properly recovered after being heavily sedated. He was indeed more of a warrior than a hunter, but a warrior that only wanted his gear back and then to be left alone.
I guess he grabbed McKenna by the neck only to get back the magic sphere than made him invisible.
He only killed in self defense.
How extraordinary for a predator. He was a lovely guy compared to the ultimate predator.
When the ultimate predator used the english translator and told the Loonies he'd give them a head start before terminating them, man, that was hilarious. Later he was on fire, coincidentally or not there was a pond of water nearby in which he fell so the fire was put out. At the end of his life on screen there was another explosion that should have disintegrated him, but no, he was still in one piece and alive but heavily wounded because it was McKenna who had to smite him and mock him for good.
It felt like watching cartoons, but not the good old Disney's.
This film definitely addresses to a much younger age group than the one I am in.
Anyway, after the Fugitive Predator premature death everything is just funny looney tunes.
"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"

MemberCity HunterSep-22-2018 11:39 AMDid anyone else notice that the ultimate predator was mumbling all the time? Walking and mumbling.
"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"